we think about measurement
Ultrasonic flowmeters
FLOWMEET ultrasonic flowmeters are characterized by measuring a wide range of fluids. Their installation is extremely simple since they do not present any obstruction on the fluid and they are installed outside the working pipe. As there are no moving parts, the measurement is not affected by pressure variations, electromagnetic noise or wear.
A great complement to this type of flowmeter is a thickness gauge. This instrument is used to accurately and quickly determine the thickness of the pipe where the measurement will be made with the flowmeter. In this way the uncertainty is reduced and the error of the flow measurement caused by the estimation of the thickness of the pipe is reduced.
Our flowmeters
At FLOWMEET you will find high quality ultrasonic flowmeters in two formats, Handheld (or portable) and panel.

Ultrasónico Serie UH
Modelo Hanheld o portatil con maletin IP68
Todas las herramientas necesarias para su instalacion
Autonomia de 12 horas
Conexión rápida y lectura inmediata en planta de procesos
Instalacion virtualmente en cualquier tipo de cañeria
Logueo y seguimiento de datos
Modelo Hanheld o portatil con maletin IP68
Todas las herramientas necesarias para su instalacion
Autonomia de 12 horas
Conexión rápida y lectura inmediata en planta de procesos
Instalacion virtualmente en cualquier tipo de cañeria
Logueo y seguimiento de datos

Ultrasónico para Canal Abierto
Serie UA
Modelo de panel
Para canales Parshall, Rectangular, Triangular, entre otros
Lectura inmediata de caudal y nivel
Salidas analógicas y digitales
Modelo de panel
Para canales Parshall, Rectangular, Triangular, entre otros
Lectura inmediata de caudal y nivel
Salidas analógicas y digitales